Our cloud-based platform is easy to access from anywhere, any time.

With a range of features designed to streamline your estimating process, Esti-mate Electrical is your go-to platform for managing electrical estimates and costs.


Easily keep track of all your tenders and quotes in our Tender Register. Track your progress and success by having everything in one place.


Track project costs against estimates to ensure accuracy on future tenders.

Easily add collaborators to your organisation, enabling you to manage your estimates amongst your team.


We’ve created straight forward tutorials to take you through the platform and understand how to use it with ease!


Add contractor labour costs, equipment costs and markups into the system and ensure you are hitting your target margins!

Ready to Esti-mate with confidence?


Esti-mate Electrical is proven to cut down valuable company time spent on estimating and associated admin by hours.

Our software is easy to navigate, ensuring increased efficiency and productivity – even for those who don’t consider themselves tech-savvy. It will replace your hefty spreadsheets and make estimating a breeze.

Cloud-based documents allow for on the go and immediate access to necessary figures and documentation – so you’re not tied to your desk (or a printer).


When you’re trying to get your head around estimating, you don’t know what you don’t know. Esti-mate with confidence knowing the figures are competitive and accurate every time.

We have hidden formulas built into the software which reduces risk of human error caused by deleting cells in spreadsheets or accidentally cancelling inputs/items out.

Ensure everything intended is included in the final tender figure with a simple to edit interface.


Our team have worked across all types of tenders to bring you the essential components all built into an easy step-by-step process.

Our online tool is designed to produce professional presentations of live project documentation, making you look a million bucks.

Our cloud based software means you don’t have to head into the office to finalise the quote. Adjust, refer to or send tenders in real time

What clients say

Hear from fellow electricians who have tried and tested the Esti-mate software!

Esti-mate Electrical subscriber testimonial
Esti-mate Electrical subscriber testimonial
Esti-mate Electrical subscriber testimonial

Got questions? Ask us.

Esti-mate Electrical is designed by electricians for electricians!